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Interview questions

To help you prepare for a job interview, here is a collection of practice questions from real interviews conducted by schools in Aotearoa.

If this is your first teaching job, it's ok to not have the perfect answer. Being honest about your experience is crucial. Try to find an example from another job that shows your skills and helps you answer the question. It's ok to pause and consider your question before answering.

Smile and relax. It's best to not take interviews too seriously and try to be yourself. The interview panel want to see your personality and understand what kind of teacher you will be.


  • What do you bring personally to the role?

  • What are your strengths?

  • What are your areas of development?

  • Why have you applied for this position?

  • As we are a small staff and everyone generally takes on extra responsibilities - in what areas could you see yourself doing this?

  • What areas would you think you might need support?

  • How would your colleagues describe you?

  • What is your teaching philosophy?

  • What are your passions?


  • What is the most difficult student management experience you have dealt with? Illustrate how you managed and resolved the situation.

  • Tell us a story about a time you have had to deal with a difficult situation with a child. Run us through the situation.

  • How would you describe your behaviour management? What does it look like in the classroom?

Student Achievement

  • What are the key factors that contribute to student learning? Give an example of your success in raising student achievement.

  • Describe a successful learning experience in either literacy or numeracy - what happened?


  • Communication and consultation are an important aspect of any effective teachers role. Can you share an example of how you demonstrated your consultation or communication skills to support and grow students in your current or previous school?

  • Relationships are key - tell us how you might go about building positive relationships based on mutual respect with: students; colleagues; parents?

  • How will you build positive relationships on your first day?


  • When considering the future of education, what are your views on the place of digital technology and modern learning pedagogy?

  • Have you had any experience with Structured Literacy/DMIC/Play-based Learning? 


  • What is your understanding of culturally responsive and relational pedagogy, how will it look in your classroom practices?

  • Tell us what your understanding of "Culturally Responsive" means and what would you do in your class to ensure Māori succeed as Māori?

School Knowledge

  • What do you know about (school) and where do you see you can add value in moving the school forward?

  • How would you bring the school values into the classroom? What ways will you teach the tamariki this?

Year Group

  • What do you think a Year 8 student should look like when leaving school for secondary school?

Questions to ask the school

  • Have you had a beginning teacher at the school recently?

  • What does your mentor program look like?

  • What extra responsibilities are expected from teachers at your school?

  • How would you describe the culture of your school?

  • What is your favourite thing about your school?

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