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Tips for success

Searching for a job can be a stressful time. Here are some tips to help you understand how to apply for a teaching job in Aotearoa New Zealand and hopefully gain employment.

Finding jobs

The Education Gazette is the best place to search for jobs near you. Different schools will require certain documentation or forms to be completed with your application. It's a good idea to hand your application in in person. Ideally you should hand your application to the principal or vice principal. If they are not in, come back another time.

Not all jobs advertised on the gazette are still available. If you see a listing that says 'tagged' then that role has already been filled in house.

Visiting schools

Before you visit a school, make sure you have researched their website and found out as much information as possible. It is not unheard of for schools to conduct impromptu interviews with new teachers looking for jobs so be prepared.

Cover letters

Write a unique cover letter for each school you apply for and make it relevant for the school. Find out what your principal has been focusing on this year by reading the school news letters and express the skills that you have that would be helpful to them. 


Learn your pepeha to share with the panel at the start of your interview. Some schools may ask you to bring a taonga to share with them so they can get to know you a bit more.

Some questions can be quite long. Take your time and don't be afraid to ask the interviewer to repeat the question if you think you may have not answered it completely.

Saying no

If you find yourself in the awkward position of being offered a job that you no longer want, make sure you have a good and fair reason that explains your decision to turn down the offer. New Zealand is a small place, and you don't want to create a bad image of yourself. 

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